Sunday, December 22, 2013

Week 2/3- the same goal

Week email:( That was sure a sad thing, and my mom may have been freaking out a little but I guess we can forgive him just this once;)

Week three! yes email this week. Corey sounds super excited to see the Elders that he was with at the MTC. He keeps saying over and over how he has made so many friends out on the mission. This just helps you see how strong and powerful missionary work really is. How else would a bunch of 18 year old boys become such great friends and give such a powerful message to the world?

-see...18 year old boys right here;) 

All that I know is that the gospel is true! If not there is no way that missionary work would be so powerful. From this gospel so many people are blessed and so many people come together for one purpose. 

Hello family, sorry I didn't send you an email last week, I was trying to send some pictures, there should be a lot this week. Things are great. We had are first splits with some members yesterday, I went with three people and Elder Villa went with three other people. Taught three lessons. The member here are great, they work with us every day, we have one family that helps us a lot they're the Glori family. They come with us to less actives give us referrals and take us to there nonmember friends. Also the youth in the ward love missionary work they come with us all the time too.
We're having a follow up training this Wednesday for the new batch of missionaries, so I'll get to see Elder Johnston and the other Elders from the MTC. Can't wait to see those Elders again, were all good friends.
Today was P day of course, we spent the morning with study and then it was the half hour Jeepney ride into the city to get food. We love food. You can buy it almost anywhere, there are vendors on ever corner in the cities, and you can go to San Jose for food, they have fish, chicken, vegetable and fruit stands, but its not the cleanest food so we go to puregold it is the store to go to here in the philippines. Most the time I eat oatmeal in the morning, then its rice and ulam for lunch. I don't exactly know why I'm talking about food I must be hungry.
 I keep here a lot of songs from home, the music they listen to here is a lot of what is at home. The people are very aware of the United States and what happens there. And they love basketball, they play wherever they can. I've seen hoops nailed to trees, and houses, and they have some cover-courts too. Were going to go play at the church next P-day. Everyone here plays basketball its not even a question, and they watch it too, just last week Brother Glori a member in our ward was telling me how the Pacers and other teams from the U.S. come and play against Filipino teams. He said that the Philippines used to be first place in Asia in basketball until China overtook them last year, he wasn't to happy about that. The members become like a family here, the people in this area are great.
I miss you all, I'm glade Ashley got a dog, and that things are going great for you. So I guess Andy's dogs Rolley, and Ashley get Beary. Is Andy done with Cross Country? how'd he do. Until next week, keep letting me know how I can help you experience these things with me, because I do want you too and I'll do it, enjoy the pictures.
Elder Creager

Here are the rest of the "a lot" of pictures from the Elder...

Haha, so three pictures:) The good news is that he's wearing a great schools T-shirt. 

-The Philippines seems like it is such a different place. However, when you think about it we all love the same things. We all care about our families, love food, basketball, music and we all have so much in common. These missionaries all have the same heart and the same goal. Keep working hard Elder Creager! We know you're helping so many and are truly focused on the work. 

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