Thursday, August 15, 2013

He's off

We made it! Elder Creager is at the MTC...were going on 33 hours...and counting...haha I know, I know...let's just go with we have two years left:)

Wednesday we dropped him off at the Provo MTC. Let's just say the drive there was probably the longest of all of our lives. Especially Coreys.

The good news is we made it!  On time and everything:)

final goodbye from the little sis
The MTC is amazing. I still can't get over how cool it was to see all of the Elders and Sisters working together to make sure that all of the incoming missionaries were taken care of. We were in awe at the organization and the spirit surrounding that beautiful place.

Elder Creager jumped out and he's off:)

We're excited for you Corey! He're is to serving the Lord for the next two years with all of your heart. We are so excited to hear all about your experience and we're by your side every step of the way.

Missionaries are amazing the power they have and the spirit that is with them is so strong. Through them the holy ghost touches lives and changes hearts. Through all that they do, they are making a difference in someones lives in someway right now. This video by Al Fox is just one testament of how huge of a blessing missionaries are

Of course we'll miss him! But two years isn't so long right? The blessings that surround a mission are worth it and mean so much more.

We love you:)

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