Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Last Day

Well here we go!

See this guy?

Doesn't he look good?
Yes! He is leaving for a mission...tomorrow.
Elder Creager received his call  back in May. His call came unexpectedly as a sneaky bishop and stake president sent his papers in while telling us he still needed to wait. Can you imagine our reactions when this big white envelope came in the mail?

Let's just say the texts and multiple calls I received while at school that day were fantastic! So the call was answered and the results were....
The Philippines Cavite mission August 14th tagalog speaking. Cavite is a new mission that has just barely been open in the Philippines in July. Corey actually had the opportunity to meet his mission president and wife before they left for the Philippines. Some how we are now here. August 13th one day left. How did we spend it? Only at a place that draws us closer together.

Salt Lake Temple

It was great to spend the day together around temple square. The spirit there is amazing. As we went throughout the day it was nice just being together as a family. Two years is a long time and we will miss Corey like nothing else. However, knowing that he will be doing great things and is doing exactly what our heavenly father wants is priceless. The people of the Philippines are very lucky to have Elder Creager. Be ready for one outstanding missionary:)

Luke 9:24 "And whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it."

Go lose yourself Corey! We love you:)

P.S. Here is some final advice Ashley gave to her big brother. How much better can it get?


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