Sunday, September 22, 2013

17 Days

Guess what! He's half way done being a the MTC! wow who would have thought that would come and go so fast.

Here is official missionary badge, doesn't that look great? He's doing so good and is getting more and more excited everyday to serve the people of the Philippines. Here is this weeks email.

We've got 17 days left before our district leaves. The district who got here two weeks before us leaves tomorrow. Then we'll be the oldest district in our zone which is awesome. Yesterday our district was on some computers doing language study, and a sister told me she new Amy, turns out it was Malarie Hanson whos going to the San Jose California mission.
Weeks go by so fast here that sometimes its hard to remember what happened. I got your letter and saw that Calebs (Corey's best friend from Roy) going to Dallas let him know that thats great. He'll probably be in the MTC for about two weeks, and then he'll be out in the field, teaching the gospel.
 One of the elders in our room got a package yesterday there was some food and a article about the Philippines. It turns out that Manila is having some serious flooding because of typhoons, the philippines gets hit with about 20 bad ones a year, so the pilipinos are used to it, but they still cause a lot of damage. I honestly can't wait for a typhoon, call me crazy but I think there awesome. Because of the Typhoons missionaries end up doing a lot of service during typhoon season, serving others is what I'm most excited for we'll be able use what we are learning for real situations.
I'll have my flight plan by next week so I'll let you know what the plan is. There's still a lot of learning to do here, but it will be great to get out in the field and get to work.

Our temple day is here again, and then another Sunday with a devotional. Last Sunday we had a speaker come who is the president of the Philippines MTC. He talked about the building and what it was like to serve there as president. It's always great to hear about the Philippines.
One thing about the MTC that we've all noticed is that is completely separates you from the outside world, the only information we get from the outside usually come in letter or articles. I think it helps us focus on the work, but sometimes I wonder if anything news happened since we've been in here.
We should have new zone leaders this Sunday so everyone's interested in who they'll be. I'm still trying to figure our how to send pictures, its not all that easy here, but my companion and I are working on it.
Thanks for the letters and sorry if I haven't answered some of your questions, I forget to take your letters with me to the lab so I forget what you've asked. If you've got questions it would be great if you sent them in an email. Things our going great, hope its the same for all of you. Until next week

Elder Creager

We finally got some pictures from the Elder! He always talks about how he loves going to the temple so here are a few from that.
 Sisters in his district
Elders in the district

Just like Corey, I know that the Temple is not only amazing, it's the place we can go to find peace. It's place we can go to serve others in a way that you can't anyway else. I'm so glad that he gets to experience the blessings of the Temple know and that he is loving every minute of it.

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