Sunday, September 1, 2013

#2 Realization

He's been out a full week! Look at how fast the time is flying. He's singing, playing the piano, shooting hoops, learning Tagalog and turning into a spiritual giant:)
Graduation May 2013

Well, first full week of the MTC is over and it flew by. Last Tuesday I actually went and sung in the choir for the Tuesday night devotionals. Elder Johnston and I aren't big fans of singing but our whole district was doing it so we went along. Was actually a cool experience we didn't sound very good (Elder Johnston and I) but it was great to be a part of it. The speaker at the devotional was a seventy who had been been president over some Filipino missions, he talked about missionary work and about being connected with our purpose which is to bring others to Christ through faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, the gifts of the holy ghost and enduring to the end. As missionaries it becomes easy to look at what your mission can do for you, but in reality a mission is all about others. Missionaries are a tool that brings others to the gospel.
The weeks and days here fly by so quickly that its difficult to find free time. And when there is free time I usually like to spend it relaxing or shooting basket on our res. Nerf hoop. So sorry for not sending you letters. I wrote one but you probably haven't got it yet so expect to get it soon. I've got a load of pictures just for you mom, I've just got to figure out how to put them on, so they should send with this email I'm hoping, if not next time for sure.
On Sunday night we also had a devotional, by someone with the last name sikehema can't remember his first name. He played in the miracle bowl with Jim Mcmann, and in a couple of pro bowls, in the NFL, and is now a news anchor for NBC and has covered several Olympics with NBC. But he said that none of the experiences he had through sports or media ever matched up to the experience of serving a mission. He talked about one special experience in Kansas City (where he served) He and his companion we're going to the sports store to buy some Tennis Balls, and the store owner asked them why they were both named elder. That started a conversation that led to lessons and then baptism. This man (his name was Bob) and Sikehema became good friends, they're still friends this day and it has been 30 years since they first met. pretty sweet story. What was even cooler is that bob spoke at the devotional to, so you had a missionary and someone he had helped convert speaking together 30 years after it all happened it was great.
The Tagalog is coming slowly. Were doing our best to get as far ahead in the language as possible. One of our teachers said that it took him 4 months living in the country to be able to speak comfortably with people and 8 months before he felt like he could speak to anyone. So there is definitely a lot of hard work ahead. But we put are trust in god, because we know he can do all things if we will believe. The greatest lesson we've learned so far is that we can not under any circumstance rely on ourselves, we can not teach without gods help the spirit has to be with us. D&C 42:14 "if ye receive not the spirit ye shall not teach" We don't say what we want to say we say what Heavenly Father would say we act as he would. Throughout my day I often ask myself what would the savior do? How would he act? How would he respond?
It has been said that its hard to have a negative attitude when your life is centered on Christ, and boy is that ever true. Give it a try sometime, after all it has always been said and always will be said that we should follow the example of Jesus Christ.
I may sound like I'm perfect or I"m doing fantastic (which is true) but I still have much to learn, I know the direction I should go, I know the fathers will and this is the time to do it. Here' a story of a realization.
About Tuesday night I started to get a sore throat which went from, soreness to a cough through the next three days(don't worry mom now i"m fine) I went to the clinic and got some medicine to take, but I never really understood why I got sick, it made it difficult to focus on the work and was sort of a distraction, i asked myself why would our Father in Heaven let me get sick in the MTC? I know its really just a small and minor thing but why, I felt like it hindered my growth for a few days. But I think that being a little sick helped come to a realization of purpose, it slowed me down a little, took me from a focus on fun,(which is just fine) and brought me to some spirituality. If you have time look up the Mormon message by the apostle Christoferson that talks about the little current bush and the Gardner you should be able to find it, do it for a family home evening or something. "God love's us enough that he is willing to cut us down"
One last thing before we rap it up. Dad you'd be happy to know that I played the piano for our district meeting. They asked for someone to play and I wasn't going to, but the other elders in district sold me out. So I played. Till next time, Your son, your brother, your missionary. Love you always, and always yours.

Elder Corey James Creager

"God love's us enough that he is willing to cut us down" What a great statement that is. Heavenly father always knows what is best for us! He will challenge us and push us in our lives but only to help us grow. One of my favorite quotes that is such a great life message relates to what Elder Creager was saying here.

We have to trust God! He know's what he is doing and he will never let us fall! Just as it says in Alma 38:5 "As much as ye put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, troubles and afflictions" Cling to God and everything will work out:)

There you go week number two in the MTC sounds pretty successful! Corey is growing and learning so much so quickly that we can hardly keep up with him!

p.s: We ended up not receiving any pictures this week...and have yet to. So hopefully sometime soon we will have some pictures up for you!

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